FY25 c-ShaRP Voucher Proposal Evaluation Criteria
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Proposals are evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Justification of need: What are the research goals? Why is it needed? How does it improve existing educational offerings on campus? How does it fit with the goals of the plans of the Shared Facilities or other relevant stakeholders?
- Impact: Who is served, (post docs, students -graduate, undergraduate) and how does access to shared facilities benefit them? What is the breadth of impact? If external participants are included, how are the needs of Stanford students and/or researchers also being served? How does it support diversity and/or outreach to under-served populations? What outcomes are expected?
- Finances: Has this or a related effort previously received support from other sources?
- Budget: Are the costs of carrying out the research carrying out the experience well described and reasonable? Have all likely costs been accounted for and well justified and within the $10K limit?
Reporting & Participation Requirements
The PIs of the funded proposals will be required to deliver a brief report on use, budget, and outcomes, and to assist in collecting feedback from participants in the learning experience. Photos and short videos of the research in action are also highly recommended. The PIs may also be called upon to be reviewers for future rounds of C-ShaRP funding programs.