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FY25 Awards of C-ShaRP Instrumentation & Enhancement Program

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Proposal TitleShared FacilityInstrument
Acquisition of a new field-emission Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer for quantitative X-ray spectroscopyMicrochemical Analysis Facility (MAF)JEOL JXA iHP-200F field emission EPMA
Unique 2P microscope to modernize and extend NMS live imaging capabilitiesWu Tsai Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS)Femtonic Femto3D Atlas with Neurotar HomeCage
Expanding Stanford’s BioAFM CapabilitiesCell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF), Shriram CenterBruker JPK NanoWizard V AFM upgrade
High throughput stable isotope analysis of greenhouse gassesStable Isotope Biogeochemistry LabPicarro CRDS isotope analyzer and Aerodyne TILDAS isotope analyzer
New Multi-modal Ultrasound and Photoacoustic System for Preclinical ImagingSCi3 Core FacilityVisualSonics Vevo F2 LAZR-X imaging system
Advancing Nanoscale Isotopic Detection and Imaging: Acquisition of the Hyperion II RF Plasma Source for the SNSF NanoSIMSStanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF)Cameca O- Hyperion II RF plasma ion source
Replacement for Workhorse Nanofabrication Scanning Electron MicroscopeStanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF)Zeiss GeminiSEM 560 field emission SEM with Raith ELPHY Plus and GenISys ProSEM
Expanding SNSF EIM Specimen Preparation CapabilitiesStanford Nano Shared Facilities (SNSF)Leica UC7 cryo-ultramicrotome, Leica EM TXP, Buehler Isomet, Buehler Automet, and Struers TenuPol-5
Establishing the Stanford Drug Repurposing CollectionSarafan ChEM-H/CSB HTS Knowledge Center (HTSKC)Small molecule collection of ~8000 compounds
Sciex 7500 platform for hands-on access to metabolomics & profilingStanford University Mass Spectrometry (SUMS)Sciex 7500 triple quadrupole MS
An Instrument for Long-Read DNA/RNA Sequencing QC in PANProtein and Nucleic Acid (PAN) FacilityAgilent Femto Pulse System
Acquisition of an Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) SystemWu Tsai Koret Human Neurosciences Community LabFieldLine Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM)