Past News and Events
Open House for nano@stanford October 25, 2023
Open House for the nano@stanford shared facilities (SNF, SNSF, SIGMA, MAF) is on October 25th from 12pm – 6pm, in the Huang Foyer/Amphitheater (see attached flyer and this website: The event will feature over 40 student research posters, 19 vendor tables, facility tours/instrument demos, and a pub-style trivia night from 4-6pm. I hope you’ll be able to join us!
Sept 30, 2023
Stanford’s more than 30 state-of-the-art shared instrumentation facilities are now searchable by keyword, research interest, or facility name on the Stanford map. To view them all, go to the “Life on campus” tab and check the box next to “Stanford Shared Instrumentation Facilities.”
June 7, 2023
Flexible Cleanroom Manager Thomas Carver and Mass Spectrometry Director Allis Chien received the 2022 Marsh O’Neill Award for Exceptional and Enduring Support of Stanford University’s Research Enterprise. For decades, a member of the Stanford staff, Allis Chien has helped shape the university’s mass spectrometry capabilities while Thomas Carver has supported thousands of users in the Stanford Nano Shared Facilities. The prestigious award was inspired by the career of Marsh O’Neill, ’49, associate director of the W.W. Hansen Laboratories from 1952 until 1990. The award is administered by the Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Research (VPDoR). VPDoR hosted a reception in honor of Allis and Tom on June 7 at the John A. and Cynthia Fry Gunn Rotunda (E241) located in the Sarafan ChEM-H/Wu Tsai Neurobiology Research Complex. Read about the contributions that Allis and Tom have made in developing and sustaining Shared Research Facilities at Stanford in the Stanford Report
June 2, 2023
The spice seller's secret: researchers identified the source of lead poisoning in Bangladesh using old-fashioned detective work and high-tech chemical analysis. Read about the contributions of Kate Maher and Karrie Weaver at the SIGMA Shared Lab in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, in the Stanford Medicine Magazine
May 30, 2023
The Neuroscience Microscopy Service (NMS) hosted the inaugural Advanced Techniques in Neuroimaging Workshop. Designed to be an educational, hands-on experience, the workshop attracted scientists from around the world, disseminated the latest neuroimaging techniques, and fostered cross-disciplinary collaboration. Read about the workshop in this Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute article
May 26, 2023
The Education Working Group (led by Allis Chien and Ryan Leib) aims to leverage Shared Resources to enrich the Undergraduate and Graduate learning experience, supporting a coherent educational mission at Stanford. Read about c-ShARP's Experiential Learning program in the Stanford Report
May 11, 2023
The 2023-24 budget presented at the Faculty Senate meeting expands funding for shared research facilities, staff, and support. Stanford has committed to investing in the shared facilities and the scientists who enable groundbreaking discoveries. Investments in shared research facilities have a multiplier effect. The positive impacts cascade through the entire organization. Read about Stanford's investments in Shared Research Facilities in the Stanford Report
August 31, 2021
FY21 c-ShARP awards were made the third week of June, 2021 and expenditures are now well underway! The next c-ShARP call-for-proposals will be issued 9/10/21, with proposals accepted through 11/1/21, on the website. Any questions, contact Get those wishlists ready!
April 22, 2021
The Faculty Senate approved a 5-year pilot program allowing staff to act as PI's in service of their shared facilities with Department or School approval, thus, empowering our staff to better serve our research community.
March 1, 2021
In their fourth and final workshop, committee members gave short presentations in which they shared what they learned from their prototype testing and discussed next steps.

February 22, 2021
In their third workshop, c-ShARP members selected a design opportunity to take forward and brainstormed solutions. They designed foundational prototypes and prepared to test them over the next few weeks.

February 8, 2021
In their second workshop, faculty and shared facilities directors synthesized data collected during their interviews. They explored the problem space, iterated on the feedback they received, and began the process of framing challenges.

February 1, 2021
The c-ShARP committee members met for the first of a series of four workshops and engaged in activities intended to develop a high-level understanding of design thinking. In the week ahead, they will use the process of ethnography to frame and conduct interviews of shared facilities users.

January 29, 2021
c-ShARP’s call for proposals is now live! Please see here for instructions on how to submit your ideas!
January 22, 2021
The d.School workshops are just around the corner! Don't forget to fill out -
- The Google form RSVP
- The c-ShARP rolodex
- Any "parking lot" thoughts
- And any updates to the publications page, news page, and facilities database
Links to workshop documents and the documents above are found on the c-ShARP Sites page.
January 12, 2021
Jen led a session at the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Strategic Planning Stakeholder Workshop on physical and cyber infrastructure. See here for the agenda, talks, and more information on NNI infrastructure:
December 15, 2020
A new Thermo Spectra probe-corrected scanning transmission electron microscope will become the latest addition to SNSF facilities. Thanks to the Moore Foundation, BioX, Wu Tsai, the Precourt Institute, the Stanford Photonics Research Society, and dozens of Department and faculty contributions spanning 4 Schools and SLAC.
December 1, 2020
Thanks to contributions from H&S, SOM, DOR, and ChEM-H, a new cryo-FIB and 100keV electron beam lithography system will soon become campus additions. More information will be posted in Spring 2021. These will complement the SNF, SNSF, S2E2, and cEMc facilities.
October 15, 2020
Thanks to contributions from the Department of Energy/Q-NEXT, the National Institutes of Health, H&S, DOR, Bio-X, WuTsai, and faculty across campus, a new direct electron detector will be added to SNSF. This detector will enable atomic-scale, low dose imaging of sensitive materials, including polymers, 2D materials, and batteries.
October 1, 2020
Yiorgio Skinniotis establishes the cryo-EM service center, cEMc. The central mission of cEMc is to offer cryo-EM sample screening and training to the expanding number of users at Stanford and provide a bridge to the high-end instrumentation located at SLAC. This center was made possible by contributions from SOM, MCP, BioX, Wu Tsai, and numerous departments and faculty across campus.
September 1, 2020
ChEM-H has led acquisition of a new Glacios cryo-electron microscope, made possible by contributions from H&S, DOR, and ChEM-H! This tool will be the latest addition of screening microscopes on campus to complement the S2E2 facilities at SLAC.