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Experiential Learning Program FAQs

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What kind of proposal should I submit?

The table below lists the common proposal tracks. Please align your proposal submission using this table as a guideline.

I have an FY24 or previous C-ShaRP Experiential Learning grant -- how do I apply for funding to further develop and/or continue this activity?

See table above. Existing programs may slot into an FY25 track at an appropriate point, e.g.

  • I’ve had C-ShaRP Experiential Learning funding for 1 year of a Stanford catalog course → (row 2) Curriculum Implementation proposal for 1 year of further development/expansion <or> (row 3) Curriculum Sustainability proposal for up to 3 years baseline funding
  • I’ve had C-ShaRP Experiential Learning funding for a Stanford catalog course and one or more years of renewal for the same course → (row 3) Curriculum Sustainability proposal for up to 3 years of baseline funding
  • I’ve had C-ShARP Experiential Learning funding to run a workshop (or other non-curriculum activity) for 1 year → (row 6) Non-Curriculum Implementation proposal for refinement and/or expansion (partial/transitional funding, 1 year)

How many proposals can I submit as the primary applicant?

A primary applicant can submit a maximum of two proposals: one seed or implementation proposal, plus -- for curriculum previously funded by C-ShaRP -- one sustainability proposal.

What is the Instructors' Forum?

The Instructors' Forum is a series of informal gatherings of those involved in experiential learning efforts, and aims to build community and provide mutual support. Participants will be able to share experiences and challenges, brainstorm potential solutions, exchange best practices, etc. throughout the year.

How should the budget be prepared?

Please be as thorough and thoughtful as possible in your budget; the actual expenses should come within 10% of the proposed budget. A budget table (template here) is required.

What kind of supporting information would be useful to include?

Please include whatever details support your case.  For example, letters from instructors regarding their involvement, letters from Departmental or School officials confirming support, course or workshop syllabus, etc. Further narrative or exposition should not be included.

Combine the documents into a single .pdf file for upload.

I'm having problems with the Seed Funding site.

If you get this message, "you are not eligible to apply", you are probably a program officer on the Seed Funding site for another opportunity.  The current privileges do not allow program officers to apply for any other opportunities -- so, if you run into this, contact Laraib (if you're a program officer, you'll know her) to request the Applicant PO role.

Please contact if you have any other problems accessing the site or uploading your files!

Where should I apply for the FY25 Experiential Learning Program?

Proposals should be submitted online at; follow the links below to the opportunity listing for each type of Experiential Learning proposal: