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Proposal Format

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All Stanford faculty, instructors, and Shared Resources staff are eligible to apply. A proposal should address an experiential educational activity, whether it be planning a new course or workshop, preparing materials to support hands-on learning, implementing a course supported by one or several different Shared Resources, running a quarterly hands-on workshop series, or maintaining a developed course. Proposals should be submitted online at; follow the links below to the opportunity listing for each type of Experiential Learning proposal:

You will be asked to enter the below information. The application should be concise, approximately 2 pages.

***Please be sure to follow the application instructions for your particular proposal type in the Narrative and Budget Description sections.***

1. Primary applicant:  Stanford faculty/instructors and staff affiliated with a Shared Resource can be the primary applicant. An individual can serve as PI on only one proposal for a new experiential educational activity per year. It is understood that as the years pass, a PI may have more than one sustainability award in effect at a time.

2. Co-applicants: Anyone can be included as a co-applicant, including a primary applicant of another proposal. For curriculum requests, both the course instructor and the Shared Resource must be represented as either primary or co-applicants. There is no limitation on the number of proposals on which an individual can be a co-applicant.

3. Proposal titleLimit to 80 characters

4. Proposal (.pdf upload)

4a. Title Page (limit 1 page)

Experience name, personnel and Shared Resource(s):

  • For Seed funding, give the proposed title of the activity and whether it is intended to be a course, workshop, or other activity; list the faculty/staff involved with their affiliations, and the Shared Resource(s) involved. 
  • For Stanford Curricula, list the course name and number, course instructors and affiliations, and the Shared Resource(s) that will be supporting the course
  • For Non-Curriculum efforts, list the workshop/event/series/activity title(s), instructors and affiliations, and the Shared Resource(s) that will be providing the hands-on learning experience

Amount requested per year. FY25 for seed and implementation proposals; FY25-FY27 for curriculum sustainability proposals. Maximum request as shown on the Proposal Overview page (include link) though higher requests will be considered for exceptional cases.

Primary benefiting school(s). List the Stanford School(s) that will benefit from a successful proposal.

Synopsis. A single sentence summarizing the name, mission, and audience of the proposed experiential learning enhancement. For seed proposals, give a one-sentence description of the mission and activity you intend to plan and pilot, and the audience it will aim to serve.

4b. Proposal Body (limit 2 pages)

Format: letter paper size, 1 inch margin in all directions, Arial 11 point font, single line spacing. Figures, tables, formulas, and equations can use any font as long as it is readable. 

i. Narrative

In the narrative, consider such factors as experiential training, access to real-world techniques, and new research technologies, as well as growth of potential long-term benefits for users and shared resources. Also describe how this offering cannot be fully supported under current funding from other sources such as Departments, Schools, Centers, or Shared Facilities.

For Seed applications, address the following points:

  • Justification of need: What are you intending to develop? What will be its goals? Why is it needed? What will you investigate or pilot during this seed period? How will piloting and planning improve the development of the planned experiential educational offerings? How does it fit with plans of Departments, Programs, Shared Resources or other relevant stakeholders?  Why will this experience take extra time and effort to get right?
  • Impact: Who will be served, and how might the experience benefit them? What is the anticipated breadth of impact? If this experience will also serve external participants, how are the needs of Stanford students and/or researchers being prioritized? How does it support diversity and/or outreach to underserved populations? What outcomes are expected?
  • Finances: How is this effort unique from previous efforts that have received C-ShaRP funding and/or support from other sources? How will the allotted funding translate into a plan for a curriculum or non-curriculum activity? What will be the activities pursued during this planning period, what milestones will be met, and how much time do you anticipate they will take? How will reviewers of your future Implementation proposal know you are prepared to proceed with a well-developed program? How will you plan for long-term success and financial stability of this program once implemented?
  • Space: How will you use this time to develop necessary access to the type(s) of space(s) that will be required for the experience, e.g. seminar room, wet lab, maker space. Which building(s)/room(s) on campus will you be using? Are these adequate as-is? If not, what adjustments will you be making?

For Implementation applications (both curriculum and non-curriculum), address the following points:

  • Justification of need: What is the experience? What are its goals? Why is it needed? What format will the experience take, e.g. coursework, workshop, training? How does it improve existing educational offerings on campus? How does it fit with plans of Departments, Programs, Shared Facilities or other relevant stakeholders?
  • Impact: Who is served, and how does the experience benefit them? What is the breadth of impact? If external participants are included, how are the needs of Stanford students and/or researchers also being served? How does it support diversity and/or outreach to underserved populations? What outcomes are expected?
  • Finances: Has this or a related effort previously received C-ShaRP funding and/or support from other sources? Will there be cost sharing/matching to support this program? If applicable: Include other potential sources of funding or revenue streams if this proposal were successful, e.g., path to sustainability, funding for additional activities
  • Space: Describe the type(s) of space(s) that will be required for the experience, e.g. seminar room, wet lab, maker space. Which building(s)/room(s) on campus will you be using? Are these adequate as-is? If not, what adjustments will you be making?

For Curriculum Sustainability applications, address the following points:

  • Justification of need: How long has this program been running? How did the previous implementation(s) of this experience achieve its goals and improve educational offerings on campus? What has been learned about how the offering fits with plans of Departments, Programs, Shared Facilities or other relevant stakeholders? Why is continued C-ShaRP funding necessary?
  • Impact: From previous iteration(s) of this experience, who was served, and how did the experience benefit them? What was the breadth of impact? How did it support diversity and/or outreach to underserved populations? How did outcomes meet/not meet expectations? For this sustained support, what aspects of the above described impact are expected to be different, and how?
  • Finances: How can the experience be sustained at this level of funding? How has the funding model changed from the previous C-ShaRP supported experience? Has funding been secured from other sources, will there be cost sharing/matching to support this experience? If not, is funding from other sources being pursued? What is the long-term plan for a path to sustainability for this experience? Will there be cost sharing/matching to support this program? If applicable: Include other potential revenue streams if this proposal were successful.
  • Space: Describe the type(s) of space(s) that you are using for the experience, e.g. seminar room, wet lab, maker space. Are these adequate as-is? If not, what improvements or strategies will be implemented for this iteration to better support the student experience, e.g. more square footage, dividing students into smaller cohorts, supplementing with necessary equipment?
  • Instructors’ Forum: How many C-ShaRP Instructors’ Forum sessions have the instructors of the previous experience participated in?

ii. Budget Description

C-ShaRP funding is intended to support the time and effort of shared resources in providing experiential learning activities. Provide a brief narrative to accompany the budget table (file upload).

For Seed applications:

The budget should include specific breakdowns for the amount and cost of Shared Resource staff time, instrument time, materials, and other miscellaneous items. Time for activity planning, development, piloting, etc. should be included and described. 

For Implementation applications (both curriculum and non-curriculum):

The budget should include specific breakdowns for the amount and cost of Shared Resource staff time, instrument time, consumables, and other miscellaneous items. Time for activity development, preparation, and refinement should be included and described, e.g. revamping, refining, expanding or adding module(s). Durable teaching equipment up to a total of $5K will be considered within the total budget, with appropriate justification. If there is any anticipated income, e.g. workshop registration fees; or cost sharing, e.g. departmental or tuition support, provide revenue projections and an explanation of how the revenues will be utilized.

For Curriculum Sustainability applications: 

The budget should include specific breakdowns for the amount and cost of Shared Resource staff time, instrument time, consumables, and other miscellaneous items. Time for activity development, preparation, and refinement should be included and described, e.g. revamping, refining, expanding or adding module(s). Durable teaching equipment up to a total of $5K will be considered within the total budget, with appropriate justification. If there is any anticipated income, e.g. workshop registration fees; or cost sharing, e.g. departmental or tuition support, provide revenue projections and an explanation of how the revenues will be utilized. In addition, include a description of how the budget has/has not changed from the previous iteration, as sustainability funding is intended to maintain baseline support for a fully developed course.

[end 2-page limit for proposal body]

5. Budget Table

Create a budget table using the template available via this link. Download a copy of the template, modify it for your application, then save as a spreadsheet (e.g. .xlsx) and upload into your application on 

[Not included in page limit]

6. Supporting letters or other information 

Optional, upload .pdf file. Acceptable material includes letters of support, figures, cost-sharing verification, etc.  Further narrative or exposition should not be included.

[Not included in page limit]

7. Attestations

In submitting this proposal, we affirm the following:

  • Given the requested funding, we have the equipment and staff resources and expertise necessary to make the planned activities happen in FY25 (up to FY27 for sustainability)
  • We have identified sufficient space resources to accommodate the experience
  • The requested funding does not replace funding from any non-C-ShaRP source
  • If funded, we will ensure that our participants have the opportunity during the experience to provide feedback to C-ShaRP (Not applicable for seed proposals)
  • If funded, we will comply with C-ShaRP reporting requirements
  • If funded, we will participate in a periodic “Instructors’ Forum” to exchange experiences, challenges, best practices, etc. throughout the year

8. Affirmation plan/explanation (as needed)

If any of the above affirmations cannot be made, please explain and provide a plan to come into alignment with the relevant affirmation(s).